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Signatures in support of Bitcoin Cash Node

by Bitcoin Cash Node Team
26 February 2020

In the announcement of Bitcoin Cash Node, we included a list of signatures from contributors and supporters. Since then we have received more signatures that we would like to share. We invite you to add your own message of support in the comments.

I, Alexander Levin Jr, CEO of, endorse and support Bitcoin Cash Node as the reference client for the Bitcoin Cash Network.
Address: qpwhhmvdy3h0jny5m938ukjd6mgk0u63yymtwrxd3g (
Signature: IOjImCQTMUGL6YfQud26Z7fy2zO8r6Tq/7ww23WuBN/rOYqdpHuUrrl7FN1kmv22X8b5jHZbva1MJY9EYjkS4So=

I, BigBlockIfTrue, endorse and am contributing to the development of Bitcoin Cash Node, and strongly encourage the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem to run this node software for the 15 May 2020 network upgrade, or compatible software with the same consensus rules.
Address: qrlqa0656dceljj3s2yv7h9ke3ypc6dzguqtqtp3aq (BigBlockIfTrue#54916;)
Signature: ILlH420vn4JmjITragMYCGJUMZsv3UDHzE1kgNLSFpcWIfO0GcIax8xQHVwL4mKCpaSEa7/7DQ4wQ8OWQRHwLRk=

I, Collin Enstad of the fairly stupid crypto live show Collin' It Like It Is, support the Bitcoin Cash Node as the way to upgrade the future of P2P Electronic Cash on May 15th, 2020.
Address: qq78ewva4a6unvup9jruw33gk3f5ynvupvvk2ytx93 (Collin#103)
Signature: H+GQbaEQUpus+5b2WTb9TpgbcuVqn3fWBCK1lQ64qrABO3pa7KtRSfACrmcBr7mwThDJDloWY9KWPnvg0ZDNcKE=

I, Corentin Mercier, support Bitcoin Cash Node as an alternative client without IFP for the May 15th 2020 upgrade.
Address: bitcoincash:qzjzmpjc3qwg5n0vazxfr8jd7gud2ckfmv9d6tcjua
Signature: H80a44dcet/bF6g6DNLxRGGPrxQu86gtaH0KF9c3yl/aZZehChCKJFDeduTg0qoO/8cexMpI7BGgPKHIiIN1eN0=

I, or FreelyBlue#58850, support and endorse Bitcoin Cash Node for the May 15th 2020 upgrade.
Address: bitcoincash:qrqm0yk0plp9rkk845va69p8zfekzu035gllarenpc
Signature: IO1iY5af/ khwpHjEJnzPURIU10oUeAcVaIxPAiCJxPO+ BQ3ZV6CEZXmxc50+pHtKO86tkm8ptoCJIR/dp8rl918=

I, James Cramer (Telegram: jscramer / Twitter: @James_Cramer), endorse Bitcoin Cash Node, and strongly encourage the Bitcoin Cash miners to run this node software for the 15 May 2020 network upgrade, or compatible software with the same consensus rules.
Address: bitcoincash:qqmtw4c35mpv5rcjnnsrskpxvzajyq3f9yyyxgjfv3 (public linkage:
Signature: H2jSH7kwEMjJg4Xtuc+bYPsQQ2DgEKu1xKVFVmWnla/1POXtAFySgLETl4VQ9T43baxfNTA6VP+lyt1RBOnrrN4=

I, James Howells (Twitter: @howelzy), support and endorse Bitcoin Cash Node - for the May 15th 2020 upgrade.
Address: bitcoincash:qr5ervt8aultn64a5j603whlerxtudlwtutjlpkets (public linkage: none)
Signature: H3b3thNaNkLSHNr927uAAhw2Pn23lOM wtUOtNiqbOdVkMAUuyMnUq2M5A7ATBkh0cn8tX5FnK3OBwQUtUNB0PLM=

I, Jonald Fyookball, support Bitcoin Cash node for the May 15 2020 upgrade.
Signature: IO2PDd5lVbRlSSxiKsG4KNIjxKapnVjgBvf55zBSS3jKPO84GQ8oqnqGBC+yAUg+YyffcOTpw3BQc9WLXLdXez0=

I, Julian Smith, support Bitcoin Cash Node in the effort to offer a drop-in replacement for the May 15th, 2020 upgrade without alterning the Nakamoto coin issuance policy from that specified in the Bitcoin Whitepaper.
Address: bitcoincash:qpng7mq9k438q9vxxgprrsfcd08nhk6g8stvgrxttv
Signature: IIl881JEKrvLDrQGNBxYU+4fJdoPP6D33sO+NFVUnsyELUcv57jpmphpzix7yfrcEowNYahIxBJgyWK5epAPBQY=

I approve and support the Bitcoin Cash Node update on May 15th 2020

- Keith Patrick
Address: bitcoincash:qq75t0gz4pcqflrgdrx2xjljk05fjwg43vj3lrxn4p (
Signature: IG2LoTW+MSeJft1LTGhCT9DhoqAcy3Y5ymHLgqaBMPGPAG+70xveahcA1nxzNA3/FM0RVplSb5fkblZopD5316g=

Leandrodimarco of the plutonic shores by the forces that govern nature participates in and endorses the Bitcoin Cash Node implementation for the May 15th, 2020 Bitcoin Cash upgrade.
Address: bitcoincash:qpg46h3ukgfhumvhwz4sfsd609p6pan0luglh8e380 (Leandrodimarco#59559)
Signature: H7VFA9gpOuOH6uqeAROA3eGqi6OKGo8H0rm34gG5hrkJAdYXrTMmvzUuMxvJbkGjtqPbt9c729rWN07LuqmLrVc=

I support Bitcoin Cash Node effort to prevent the BCH community split during the May 15 2020 upgrade, Licho (Karol Trzeszczkowski) 21.02.2020
Address: qq93dq0j3uez8m995lrkx4a6n48j2fckfuwdaqeej2 (Licho#14431)
Signature: H5KixlCzx8/EXIjh6dawSxDy2thasfch7BFggXnL9JUtXbgpz5yABfQUJhb6wFbSByPr8efYUpnJoT/h89XVDLw=

I, Ludovic Lars (lugaxker) of, support and endorse the Bitcoin Cash Node initiative for the May 15th upgrade. 2020-02-27
Address: bitcoincash:qz954pyuatjtyrf654ud2k55ykr6n7yl9ql8cvc955 (lugaxker#106)
Signature: H3TJM/3IttXUsBr/wDK1fxrqM0/RxTz6Zm2N4k//2P3Sf792XiPDbuz5s4rCcE1IejCO6SLk1Rp4BvylFWvM9Rg= supports Bitcoin Cash Node. The IFP is a very bad idea and so is BIP-9 voting.
Address: bitcoincash:qpk9xx3wcxfc3d8lpat0t46grq9vpvkp6cwjf6aekh
Signature: H61SfTCiVYA3sZclIH7CmpujRQndVFLDEyOVTbqpWkjrCvLo1Qxgw8O1tHEdJasdE6k9eNOUbvhFGKNeUYZcEWA=

I, Oscar Salas, motion graphic designer and lead director of Cypherbits and InstaBitcoin, support the Bitcoin Cash Node as the way to upgrade the future of P2P Electronic Cash on May 15th, 2020.
Address: bitcoincash:qpruhler02v5t7l7mp98zegxa237c5clwgyy24qsly (public linkage:
Signature: H9W0VIPFQ8R+/M2ZZOWj4h9XNtAUA3vaEDwnaNSWj+kjeamW+ B9Cvv8U+UImZpLsnsNSJXtgasBmBxFiJ+sm00o=

I, pokkst of Crescent Cash,, and bitcoincashj, am in support of Bitcoin Cash Node for the May 15th, 2020 Bitcoin Cash upgrade.
Address: qq4eyzkkkc0pv240nt38t9ulwgxh8a6wlguxv9n706 (pokkst#12435)
Signature: IGSOI7B31TNuT3Jwnx4JeuVDMVR0MG03AVTJFVVtgoapBk1mmICG3jGfbVMa6oi00zMJMMPe1AJBbnGRvEDgEFY=

I, Tobias B. of, am in support of Bitcoin Cash Node for the May 15th, 2020 Bitcoin Cash upgrade and will switch all nodes from Bitcoin ABC to Bitcoin Cash Node before May 15th, 2020.
Address: bitcoincash:qznejyzwteucx5dsh05ktffq4mw5t36uruym3fwlkj
Signature: IBM9DnMdRpQ77CeNXeknqiuPJmhZkKtvpX3sWFuIl2hiCjWg4vszCIYOStOpOE0wJLso1CA3YTsJ7CMbJGsfsQI=

How to sign a message in Electron Cash:

1. Write your message somewhere that you can copy-paste.

2. Choose a Bitcoin Cash address that has some connection to you. For example a known cash account, your address on memo/member, anything you have used on social media, etc.

3. Open any wallet with Electron Cash.

4. Go to Tools -> Sign/Verify Message.

5. Paste your message and address, and click Sign.

6. Copy-paste your message, address and signature into a comment.

NOTE: comment section does not handle long strings well and signatures might be cut off, please break your signature into two parts using a space or Enter, and we'll handle it, thanks for the understanding!