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BCHN Survey of Chinese Ecosystem about DAA Change in November

by Bitcoin Cash Node Team
12 July 2020

Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) Representative Tracy Chen consulted with the Chinese Bitcoin Cash community (big mining pools, exchanges, key persons and holders) on the question of whether they support a change of Difficulty Adjustment Algorithm (DAA) in November.

The question was "Do you think DAA should be resolved in the November upgrade?" We stress that this was an opinion poll and not a binding vote.

The results were as follows:

Mining pools

3 out of 5 in agreement to modify the DAA. The other 2 were neutral.

(Mining pools consulted: Antpool, ViaBTC,,, Huobi pool)


3 out of 4 in agreement to modify DAA, 1 neutral.

(Exchanges consulted: Huobi, Binance,, CoinEX)

Key persons

1 out of 3 in agreement to modify, 1 neutral, 1 no reply.

BCH holders

29 out of 30 respondents (96.7%) were in agreement to modify for November.

The respondents were from "100 bch club" in Chinese BCH community.

Let us know your opinion

BCHN invites other Bitcoin Cash pools, exchanges and stakeholders to voice their opinion on this matter.

If you are a BCH stakeholder or someone who is concerned about the DAA or development of BCH and you have not voiced your opinion yet, you can contact Tracy on WeChat, the BCHN Telegram or on BCHN Slack as follows: